Line.Messaging 1.4.1 でQuick ReplyとFlex Messageに対応しました

Line.Messaging v1.4.1 をリリースしました

Quick Replyと、(長らくお待たせしておりましたがようやく)Flex Message に対応しました!


Quick Reply の使い方

Quick Replyの使い方は簡単で、各種送信メッセージに追加されたQuick ReplyプロパティにQuickReplyオブジェクトを設定してあげるだけです。

new TextMessage("text", new QuickReply()
    Items = new[] 
        new QuickReplyButtonObject(new CameraTemplateAction("カメラ起動")),
        new QuickReplyButtonObject(new CameraRollTemplateAction("カメラロール")),
        new QuickReplyButtonObject(new LocationTemplateAction("位置を指定")),

QuickReply ので表示するボタンは、QuickReplyButtonObjectItemsプロパティに配列で設定します。
QuickReplyButtonObject には、ボタンをタップした際の動作をActionプロパティで指定します。 Actionには、これまでテンプレートメッセージ等で使用していたITemplateActionインターフェースを実装するクラスに加え、今回追加されたカメラや、カメラロールを起動するアクションが使用できます。

  • MessageTemplateAction
  • UriTemplateAction
  • PostbackTemplateAction
  • LocationTemplateAction
  • DateTimePickerTemplateAction
  • CameraTemplateAction (New!)
  • CameraRollTemplateAction (New!)

Flex Message の使い方

Flex Messageの実装例を以下に書きましたので、こちらを参考に試してみてください。

LineMessagingApi/FlexMessageSampleApp.cs at master · pierre3/LineMessagingApi · GitHub


1. Flex Message のJSON文字列をそのまま利用する

LineMessagingClientに追加された以下のメソッドを 利用することでJSON文字列を直接指定してメッセージを送れるようになりました。

  • ReplyMessageWithJsonAsync
  • PushMessageWithJsonAsync
  • MulticastMessageWithJsonAsync

この方法は、LINE Developers で公開されている Flex Message Simulatorで生成したJSONをコピーして利用する場合に便利です。

private static readonly string FlexJson =
  ""type"": ""flex"",
  ""contents"": {
    ""type"": ""bubble"",
    ""direction"": ""ltr"",
    ""hero"": {
      ""type"": ""image"",
      ""url"": """",
      ""size"": ""full"",
      ""aspectRatio"": ""20:13"",
      ""aspectMode"": "
private static readonly string TextMessageJson = "{ \"type\" : \"text\", \"text\" : \"I Sent a flex message with json string.\" }";

private async Task ReplyFlexWithJson(MessageEvent ev)
    await MessagingClient.ReplyMessageWithJsonAsync(ev.ReplyToken, FlexJson, TextMessageJson);

2. オブジェクト初期化子を使ってFlex Messageのオブジェクトを組み立てる


private async Task ReplyFlexWithObjectInitializer(MessageEvent ev)

    var restrant = CreateRestrantWithObjectInitializer();
    var news = CreateNewsWithExtensions();
    var receipt = CreateReceiptWithExtensions();

    var bubble = new FlexMessage("Bubble Message")
        Contents = restrant

    var carousel = new FlexMessage("Carousel Message")
        Contents = new CarouselContainer()
            Contents = new BubbleContainer[]
        QuickReply = new QuickReply(new[]
            new QuickReplyButtonObject(new CameraRollTemplateAction("CameraRoll")),
            new QuickReplyButtonObject(new CameraTemplateAction("Camera")),
            new QuickReplyButtonObject(new LocationTemplateAction("Location"))

    await MessagingClient.ReplyMessageAsync(ev.ReplyToken, new FlexMessage[] { bubble, carousel });

private static BubbleContainer CreateRestrantWithObjectInitializer()
        return new BubbleContainer()
            Hero = new ImageComponent()
                Url = "",
                Size = ComponentSize.Full,
                AspectRatio = AspectRatio._20_13,
                AspectMode = AspectMode.Cover,
                Action = new UriTemplateAction(null, "")
            Body = new BoxComponent()
                Layout = BoxLayout.Vertical,
                Contents = new IFlexComponent[]
                    new TextComponent()
                        Text = "Broun Cafe",
                        Weight = Weight.Bold,
                        Size = ComponentSize.Xl
                    new BoxComponent()
                        Layout = BoxLayout.Baseline,
                        Margin = Spacing.Md,
                        Contents = new IFlexComponent[]
                            new IconComponent()
                                Url = "",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm
                            new IconComponent()
                                Url = "",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm
                            new IconComponent()
                                Url = "",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm
                            new IconComponent()
                                Url = "",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm
                            new IconComponent()
                                Url = "",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm
                            new TextComponent()
                                Text = "4.0",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm,
                                Margin = Spacing.Md,
                                Flex = 0,
                                Color = "#999999"
                    new BoxComponent()
                        Layout = BoxLayout.Vertical,
                        Margin = Spacing.Lg,
                        Spacing = Spacing.Sm,
                        Contents = new IFlexComponent[]
                            new BoxComponent()
                                Layout = BoxLayout.Baseline,
                                Spacing = Spacing.Sm,
                                Contents = new IFlexComponent[]
                                    new TextComponent()
                                        Text = "Place",
                                        Size = ComponentSize.Sm,
                                        Color = "#aaaaaa",
                                        Flex = 1
                                    new TextComponent()
                                        Text = "Miraina Tower, 4-1-6 Shinjuku, Tokyo",
                                        Size = ComponentSize.Sm,
                                        Wrap = true,
                                        Color = "#666666",
                                        Flex = 5
                    new BoxComponent(BoxLayout.Baseline)
                        Spacing = Spacing.Sm,
                        Contents = new IFlexComponent[]
                            new TextComponent()
                                Text = "Time",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm,
                                Color = "#aaaaaa",
                                Flex = 1
                            new TextComponent()
                                Text = "10:00 - 23:00",
                                Size = ComponentSize.Sm,
                                Wrap = true,
                                Color = "#666666",
            Footer = new BoxComponent()
                Layout = BoxLayout.Vertical,
                Spacing = Spacing.Sm,
                Flex = 0,
                Contents = new IFlexComponent[]
                        new ButtonComponent()
                            Action = new UriTemplateAction("Call", ""),
                            Style = ButtonStyle.Link,
                            Height = ButtonHeight.Sm
                        new ButtonComponent()
                            Action = new UriTemplateAction("WEBSITE", ""),
                            Style = ButtonStyle.Link,
                            Height = ButtonHeight.Sm
                        new SpacerComponent()
                            Size = ComponentSize.Sm
            Styles = new BubbleStyles()
                Body = new BlockStyle()
                    BackgroundColor = ColorCode.FromRgb(192, 200, 200),
                    Separator = true,
                    SeparatorColor = ColorCode.DarkViolet
                Footer = new BlockStyle()
                    BackgroundColor = ColorCode.Ivory


3. ヘルパーメソッドを使ってメソッドチェーンでFlex Messageオブジェクトを生成す


private async Task ReplyFlexWithExtensions(MessageEvent ev)
    var restrant = CreateRestrantWithObjectInitializer();
    var news = CreateNewsWithExtensions();
    var receipt = CreateReceiptWithExtensions();

    var bubble = FlexMessage.CreateBubbleMessage("Bubble Message")

    var carousel = FlexMessage.CreateCarouselMessage("Carousel Message")
        .SetQuickReply(new QuickReply(new[]
            new QuickReplyButtonObject(new CameraTemplateAction("Camera")),
            new QuickReplyButtonObject(new LocationTemplateAction("Location"))

    await MessagingClient.ReplyMessageAsync(ev.ReplyToken, new FlexMessage[] { bubble, carousel });

private static BubbleContainer CreateNewsWithExtensions()
    return new BubbleContainer()
            .AddHeaderContents(new TextComponent("NEWS DIGEST") { Weight = Weight.Bold, Color = "#aaaaaa", Size = ComponentSize.Sm })
        .SetHero(imageUrl: "",
                size: ComponentSize.Full, aspectRatio: AspectRatio._20_13, aspectMode: AspectMode.Cover)
            .SetHeroAction(new UriTemplateAction(null, ""))
        .SetBody(boxLayout: BoxLayout.Horizontal, spacing: Spacing.Md)
            .AddBodyContents(new BoxComponent(BoxLayout.Vertical) { Flex = 1 }
                .AddContents(new ImageComponent("")
                { AspectMode = AspectMode.Cover, AspectRatio = AspectRatio._4_3, Size = ComponentSize.Sm, Gravity = Gravity.Bottom })
                .AddContents(new ImageComponent("")
                { AspectMode = AspectMode.Cover, AspectRatio = AspectRatio._4_3, Size = ComponentSize.Sm, Gravity = Gravity.Bottom }))
            .AddBodyContents(new BoxComponent(BoxLayout.Vertical) { Flex = 2 }
                .AddContents(new TextComponent("7 Things to Know for Today") { Gravity = Gravity.Top, Size = ComponentSize.Xs, Flex = 1 })
                .AddContents(new SeparatorComponent())
                .AddContents(new TextComponent("Hay fever goes wild") { Gravity = Gravity.Center, Size = ComponentSize.Xs, Flex = 2 })
                .AddContents(new SeparatorComponent())
                .AddContents(new TextComponent("LINE Pay Begins Barcode Payment Service") { Gravity = Gravity.Center, Size = ComponentSize.Xs, Flex = 2 })
                .AddContents(new SeparatorComponent())
                .AddContents(new TextComponent("LINE Adds LINE Wallet") { Gravity = Gravity.Bottom, Size = ComponentSize.Xs, Flex = 1 }))
            .AddFooterContents(new ButtonComponent() { Action = new UriTemplateAction("More", "") });